100T team chat: Jinx - Flash (ready)
Jinx - Flash (ready)
Jinx - Flash (ready)
Jinx - Flash (ready)
Jinx - Flash (ready)
Riot: We have buffed Jinx
Riot: Can we give Jinx a Guardian Angel at 10 minutes? These bastards are ruining our skin promotion
The third game, a complete collapse
NA is a constant gift of free wins at Worlds
Honestly, all North American fans who say it's unfair to cancel our World Championship qualification should shut up.
This is a match between two North American teams, nothing to see
R7 showed Cloud9 what a proper LeBlanc should look like in mid lane.
NA ADC likes to save Flash
I thought Doublelift hadn't retired yet (Doublelift was often remembered by NA fans for dying because he saved Flash before he retired)
Tomo pretending to be Doublelift, but it's a bad Doublelift
Saving Flash for the Spring Split
Chat: Jankos who do you support
Jankos : I support good League of Legends. So basically none of these teams
100T just wants to go home quickly