When will Dota 2 patch 7.38 be released: possible release date revealed
It seems like Valve will probably release patch 7.38 for Dota 2 at around February 6-7 since that is when the Crownfall event wraps up.
That is something which both proponents and critics of the game want to come true. It has been brought to attention that there has been no major update for the game over the past six months which is a reasonable amount of time. While the developers issued letter patches they have not had a true reshaping effect on the meta or matchmaking experience.
E-sports competitors are also jumping on the bandwagon of stagnation bemoaning the fact that they are all sick of the games in the current patch and how little hero picks have actually changed. Many are also thinking it is not right that the game’s meta has been in the same state for such a long time because some players completely struggle while others are beasts on the current patch.
Still, Valve has indeed failed to release any further official announcements that would bring assurances to all players looking for a new game experience post Crownfall patch. That said, one can reference the fact that the 7th falls on a Thursday and per Valve’s records for update releases there is a correlation in large patch releases for Dota 2 and Thursdays.
It's important to note that players anticipated patch 7.38 to come out on January 30, but instead, Valve released Charms of Snake treasure chest.